Tyrion lends Jaime a hand. Joffrey and Margaery host a breakfast. At Dragonstone, Stannis loses patience with Davos. Ramsay finds a purpose for his pet. North of the Wall, Bran sees where they must go.
4 - 1Two Swords April 06, 2014
4 - 2The Lion and the Rose April 13, 2014
4 - 3Breaker of Chains April 20, 2014
4 - 4Oathkeeper April 27, 2014
4 - 5First of His Name May 04, 2014
4 - 6The Laws of Gods and Men May 11, 2014
4 - 7Mockingbird May 18, 2014
4 - 8The Mountain and the Viper June 01, 2014
4 - 9The Watchers on the Wall June 08, 2014
4 - 10The Children June 15, 2014